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 Address:No.999 Wensheng Street,Shouguang City,Shandong Province,P.R.China
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Shandong Molong awarded "Advanced Unit Of Statistical Work in 2017"
The PublisherSales Company Release Time2018-4-9 Click 4545 Times

    2017 was a very unusual year in the history of shouguang’s statistics work and the inspection by the National Law Enforcement Agency made Shouguang’s data statistics work more stringent to itself. Through the joint efforts of the statistical workers of all units in the city, the statistical work in our city has been positively evaluated by the higher authorities.

    In order to sum up the experience, recognize the advanced and set up the typical, the statistical bureau of shouguang city decide to grant our company the honorary title of "Advanced Unit Of Statistical Work in 2017". And the statistical bureau also hope that our company will make persistent efforts and continue to make new and greater contributions to the smooth development of the city's statistical work and the improvement of quality and efficiency.